
CENTUS Seigniorage Rate Calculation Options Based on Voting Results One of our participants invited to consider choosing seigniorage (dividend) rate by the CENTUS (U.S. Stable Cent) participants themselves. In the proposal author’s view, this will contribute to understandinging project principles by coins holders, which, in turn, could prevent the potential decrease in the CENTUS rate as a result of the wrong seigniorage policy of the community. Participant’s offer In response to the invitation, interested participants were invited to vote to select the best rate. The number of CENTUS, as well as the number of Debit Coin (DBC) as a project management token on the participant’s

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High Return Seigniorage Funds as Market Makers

High Return Seigniorage Funds as Market Makers To facilitate the economic viability of increased rate accrual to seigniorage funds members, this funds, with the approval of their members, are allowed to act as market makers and use the fund assets to expose bilateral (buy-sell) quotations for CENTUS/XML/USD asset pairs to gain additional profit from price difference (dealing spread). By the time of seigniorage rate capture all fund assets should be transferred back to official fund Stellar address. The market activities of the funds must not prevent their members from withdrawing their assets as usual at any moment. Every participant can act as

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What happens if the CENTUS pricegoes beyond the reasonable volatility? To manage the CENTUS supply and bring the CENTUS price back to its pegged value of 1 US CENT, it is crucial to incentivize CENTUS holders to lock up their CENTUS in exchange for future rewards. This is achieved by issuing BILLEX tokens (Discount Bill of Exchange) through a smart contract in exchange for locking your CENTUS. As mentioned earlier, BILLEX tokens are offered through an open auction at prices generally below 1 CENTUS. In return, they promise a future payout of 1 CENTUS when the system expands and there

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Addition to the CENTUS Seigniorage Rate Calculation Options Based on Voting Results As a result of monitoring the ongoing voting for seigniorage rate and analysis carried out, we are proposing to add the following to current median calculation algorithm based on average values ​​of CENTUS and DBC medians:1. To include the CENTUS and DBC assets ownership criterion in calculation taking it into account at the rate of 1 COIN = 1 VOTE. In other words, the more coins you have, the more weight your vote gets.2. After the counting of votes, to accrue BONUS in the minimal amount to those participants

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Seigniorage new termsEarn even more CENTUS!

Seigniorage new terms - Earn even more CENTUS! From 06.08.2019, seigniorage will be only accrued on Stellar wallets with account balance no less than 100 CENTUS ≈ 1 USD.At the same time, every community member who has no less than 1000 CENTUS ≈ 10 USD* in their wallet can create a special Stellar address (Fund) with the initial balance of 1000 CENTUS to accept payments less than 100 CENTUS from other members and receive seigniorage on their behalf. Seigniorage accrued on these accounts would be transferred to participant’s wallet together with their deposit after he leaves the fund.These special Stellar

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Discount BILLEX / CENTUS auction results for 24–27th July 2019

Discount BILLEX / CENTUS auction results for 24–27th July 2019 From 24.07.2019 / 18:11(UTC) to 27.07.2019 / 18:11(UTC), an open auction for the issue of discount BILLEX (Bill of Exchange) was held.Issue Limit: 1,000,000.00 BILLEXDemand amounted to: 633,330.00 BILLEX22 offers with a value of 494,935.00 CENTUS were accepted and paidClearing price: 0.50 CENTUS per 1 BILLEXBILLEX Auction Discount: 50% Yield to maturity: 100% per annumTotal bids at the clearing price: 989,870 BILLEXAll participance receive BILLEX at a price of 0.5 CENTUSBILLEX tokens was sent to all participance. Exceeding the limit: 10,130 BILLEX will be offered on Stellar DEX at the market price.Congratulations to

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BILLEX / CENTUS Discount Auction Increase your Stable Cent (CENTUS) with Bill of Exchange (BILLEX). Convert your CENTUS to BILLEX with discount and get a high return at redemption.You can issue BILLEX tokens for less than 1 CENTUS each through an open discount auction and receive 1 CENTUS at maturity.To issue a BILLEX, you should participate in an auction, where all participants place their bids, entering a BILLEX number and a price at which they want to convert CENTUS to BILLEX.The bid is determined at a public auction, where participants themselves offer a price at which they would like to convert their CENTUS to BILLEX. In other words, that are

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BILLEX auction results

BILLEX auction results From 07/16/2019 / 00:01 to 07/19/2019 / 00:01, an open auction for the issue of discount BILLEX (Bill of Exchange) was held.Issue Limit: 2,000,000 BILLEXDemand amounted to: 4,360,614 BILLEX32 applications with a value of 3,210,262.24 DBC were accepted and paidThe applications with the highest rates were selected in descending order.As a result of selection, the clearing price was: 0.75 DBC per 1 BILLEXYield to maturity: 33,3333% per annumTotal bids at the clearing price: 2,585,852 BILLEXExceeding the limit: 585,852 BILLEXTo close all orders at a clearing price, additional 585,852 BILLEX will be issued.Winning entries:WinnersTotal: 2,585,852 BILLEXBILLEX tokens (special

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Interaction between CENTUS and BILLEX

Interaction between CENTUS and BILLEX We're starting to test the logic of interaction between CENTUS and BILLEX, as we have explained previously. We invite everyone of you to contribute to this work. If you're ready to become a part of Billex community, please do the following: 1. Follow the link https://t.me/billex_discount and join the Billex Telegram group, if you didn't before 2. Drop a message with an amount of DBC you want to spend on creating BILLEX and your desired price you want DBC to grow to as a result of BILLEX creation. The BILLEX period of payment will depend on

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Make your coins grow up to 100% For those who want to make their Debit Coin (DBC) grow up to 100%*, we open the 1st BILLEX (Discount Bill of Exchange) auction - a special DBC-intended series. Now you can convert your DBC to BILLEX and get a high return on discount. You can issue BILLEX tokens for under 1 DBC each through an open auction, and you can receive 1 DBC at maturity. To issue a BILLEX, you should participate in an auction, where all participants place their bids, entering a BILLEX number and a price at which they want

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