ურთიერთქმედება CENTUS-სა და BILLEX-ს შორის

ურთიერთქმედება CENTUS-სა და BILLEX-ს შორის ჩვენ ვიწყებთ CENTUS-სა და BILLEX-ს შორის ურთიერთქმედების ლოგიკის შემოწმებას, როგორც ადრე ავხსენით. გეპატიჟებით ყველას, რომ წვლილი შეიტანოთ ამ საქმეში. თუ მზად ხართ გახდეთ Billex-ის საზოგადოების ნაწილი, გთხოვთ, გააკეთოთ შემდეგი: 1. მიჰყევით ბმულს https://t.me/billex_discount და შეუერთდით Billex Telegram ჯგუფს, თუ აქამდე არ იყავით 2. გაგზავნეთ შეტყობინება იმ რაოდენობით DBC, რომელიც გსურთ დახარჯოთ BILLEX-ის შექმნაზე და სასურველი ფასით, რომლითაც გსურთ DBC გაიზარდოს BILLEX-ის შექმნის შედეგად. BILLEX-ის გადახდის პერიოდი დამოკიდებული იქნება…

Კითხვის გაგრძელებაურთიერთქმედება CENTUS-სა და BILLEX-ს შორის

გაზარდეთ თქვენი მონეტები 100%-მდე

Make your coins grow up to 100% For those who want to make their Debit Coin (DBC) grow up to 100%*, we open the 1st BILLEX (Discount Bill of Exchange) auction - a special DBC-intended series. Now you can convert your DBC to BILLEX and get a high return on discount. You can issue BILLEX tokens for under 1 DBC each through an open auction, and you can receive 1 DBC at maturity. To issue a BILLEX, you should participate in an auction, where all participants place their bids, entering a BILLEX number and a price at which they want

Კითხვის გაგრძელებაგაზარდეთ თქვენი მონეტები 100%-მდე

150 DBC at no charge for Stellar account created

150 DBC at no charge for Stellar account created Airdrop Program “Stable Cents to the Millions” Officially LaunchedAs previously announced, we distribute 9,000,000 DBC tokens, which can then be exchanged into Stable Cent (CENTUS) stablecoin pegged to U.S. cent, to the Stellar wallet holders for free.Every participant created or imported their valid Stellar address with Interstellar platform is eliglible to receive renumeration.Renumeration is variable and calculated algorithmically with reference to the token price and distribution amount. From 03 June 2019, it is set at 150 DBC.To minimize the risks resulting from bots, only participants subscribed to our Telegram channel (https://t.me/coinger_im) will get access to the airdrop.Everyone who wants

Კითხვის გაგრძელება150 DBC at no charge for Stellar account created

Airdrop: 9,000,000 DBC

Airdrop: 9,000,000 DBC - Enrich yourselves! Attention, everybody! Seigniorage revenues to everyone who wishes + up to 30% profit through affiliate program!!!Pretty soon, we start distributing 9 million Debit Coins (DBC) under our “Stable Cents to the Millions” programme without charge, as we wish to broaden the base of DBC holders receiving the seigniorage as much as possible.Seigniorage revenue, or seigniorage, is the profit resulting from issuing coins.At the first stage, we pay 150 DBC to each participant who creates an account with Interstellar: Stellar Wallet and Decentralized Exchange*In case you already have an existing Stellar wallet, you can simply import it into Interstellar via the Wallets

Კითხვის გაგრძელებაAirdrop: 9,000,000 DBC

როგორ გავხსნათ Stellar ანგარიში

How to open a Stellar account 1. About InterstellarInterstellar is a platform that helps you move money or other digital assets quickly, reliably, and at almost no cost.Interstellar is powered by Stellar blockchain technology, and thus shares the same goal: to create a platform that connects banks, payment systems, and people.2. BenefitsGiven how broad the Interstellar ecosystem is, Interstellar might mean different things to different people.2.1 A Secure Multi-token WalletYou can use Interstellar as a secure digital wallet to securely store your fiat and crypto-currencies. As examples, Interstellar will help you securely store your Bitcoin, Stellar Lumens or any other

Კითხვის გაგრძელებაროგორ გავხსნათ Stellar ანგარიში


WHY DO I NEED DEBIT COIN (DBC)? Debit Coin (DBC) is a voucher token for early supporters and holders. When StableCent is released as the official Coinger token, holders of DBC may convert their tokens to StableCent. The ‘conversion ratio’ represents the amount of StableCent that can be received for each DBC token.To prevent excessive weighting in the final economy, this ratio increases as Coinger's economy grows and is capped at a ratio of 500 StableCents to 1 DBC: the higher the DBC exchange rate, the more Stable Cent coins you receive.You can always redeem 1 Stable Cent for 1

Კითხვის გაგრძელებაWHY DO I NEED DEBIT COIN (DBC)?