CENTUS Stable Cent holders receive Inflation Compensation and Basic Income created through сеньораж
Seigniorage and Basic Income rate is floating and determined by the CENTUS community
АНУ-ын оршин суугчид хүлээн авах боломжгүй
CENTUS жетон дахь seigniorage.
CENTUS is a new type of stablecoin whose value is tied to the cost of living, unlike traditional stablecoins that are pegged to specific assets like fiat currencies. The primary goal of CENTUS is to provide its token holders with stable purchasing power even when the cost of living changes.
A distinguishing feature of CENTUS compared to other stablecoins is that its holders can protect their assets from inflation. CENTUS owners regularly receive payments in the form of seigniorage to compensate for inflation. The inflation compensation amount is determined based on inflation data from the previous month provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Every CENTUS holder is also entitled to a basic income in BINCOME and BINC tokens. These payouts are made daily, as well as on Tuesdays and Fridays by the Үндсэн орлогын сан. Цааш унших…
100 US Stable Cents (CENTUS) are roughly on par with 1 US Dollar (USD).
Сарын турш хуримтлуулах график*
*Энгийн seigniorage vs seigniorage нэмэгдсэн (Өндөр өгөөжтэй Сеньоражийн сан)
For every holder, the intrinsic worth of 1 CENTUS is consistently redeemable for 1 US Cent, equivalent to $0.01. This establishes a steadfast and reliable valuation, securing its price stability.
CENTUS stands anchored to the U.S. Cent, ensuring that its value is steadfastly linked to this stable denomination. The quantity of CENTUS in circulation is meticulously regulated by a smart contract, dynamically adjusting in response to market demand to maintain its peg.
CENTUS is a token compatible with both the Polygon network (an Ethereum sidechain) and the BNB Chain. You can store it in any wallet or use it on any decentralized exchange (DEX) that supports Polygon or BEP-20 tokens.
CENTUS stands out as the only stablecoin that offers its holders more than just a safeguard against inflation. It pioneers the concept of providing a universal basic income, ensuring that every holder benefits from a consistent and reliable financial support system.
1. Sign in to your MetaMask or any other wallet that supports the CENTUS token.
2. Өөрийн хөрөнгийг 1 CENTUS-д ойролцоогоор 0.01 ам.долларын хөрвөх харьцаагаар CENTUS болгон хөрвүүлээрэй.
3. Receive inflation compensation daily and basic income twice a week.
АНУ -ын оршин суугчид хүлээн авах боломжгүй
CENTUS жетон дахь seigniorage.
a basic income?
Cryptocurrency бол нэг төрлийн дижитал валют юм. Энэ нь гэж нэрлэгддэг “криптовалют” Учир нь энэ нь гүйлгээг шалгахын тулд маш найдвартай криптограф хэлбэрийг ашигладаг. Криптовалютыг блокчэйн технологи дээр суурилдаг бөгөөд криптовалютын үнэ цэнэ нь бүтээгдсэн блокны төрлөөс хамаарна.
CENTUS бол орлого олох, хүмүүсийн хооронд мөнгө шилжүүлэх боломжийг олгодог seigniorage (ашигтай) төлбөрийн сүлжээ юм. Энэ нь блокчэйн технологи (Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain болон Stellar Network) дээр суурилагдсан бөгөөд CENTUS-ийг дэлхий даяарх, аюулгүй болгох боломжийг олгодог.
The CENTUS token is available on UniSwap, MetaMask (as both ERC-20 & BEP-20 tokens), and Stellar DEX. Additionally, you can access it through the Centus exchange service. Buy and sell CENTUS today to benefit from seigniorage and basic income.