ਪਹਿਲਾ DBC ਤੋਂ CENTUS ਪਰਿਵਰਤਨ ਨਿਲਾਮੀ ਦੇ ਨਤੀਜੇ
The open auction for Debit Coin (DBC) to U.S. Stable Cent (CENTUS) conversion was held from 10/21/2019 / 10:00 (UTC) to 10/23/2019 / 10:00 (UTC).
Auction Limit: 1,000,000.00 CENTUS
24 offers filed in the amount of: 4,380,906.609 DBC
Clearing price: 1 DBC for 1 CENTUS
More than 2600% Profitability
If you helped us to develop CENTUS Stable Cent and shared our news, your income will be even more WITHOUT INVESTMENT!
Number of winning clearing offers: 8 offers for the amount of 1,263,983.409 DBC
All winning participants will receive 1 CENTUS for 1 DBC
Last offer for clearing price will receive: 336,016.591 CENTUS
In order to maintain a stable CENTUS price for bidders who won the auction, tokens will be credited to Multisig accounts with the condition of storing coins until reaching the following CENTUS capitalization value:*
1 million USD — 10%
2 million USD — 20%
3 million USD — 30%
4 million USD — 40%
Total 100%
The seigniorage (dividends) on CENTUS on the Multisig accounts will be accrued at the standard rate without an additional 10% bonus throughout the entire holding period.
To receive CENTUS, you have to send the DBC quantity indicated in the offer to the address GAWFAS7Q7VBI45PPEVU5IQHTEYJBL3HAPXL6QHWDDHDEOJOVZCZR5WTU. After that the Stellar address you specified in your offer will be credited with CENTUS.
The address that will be credited with CENTUS must contain 3 signatures — yours one and the signatures of two co-signers, that must be added in the process of setting up a Multisig account for your Stellar address.
Public addresses to add to Multisig accounts:
Instructions for setting up a Multisig account on the example of Interstellar wallet can be found ਇਥੇ.
The next auction will be held on October 25, 2019 at 10.00 UTC
Bidding deadline is 72 hours
Auction starting price is set to 1 DBC for 1 CENTUS
Auction limit: 2,000,000 CENTUS
Congratulations to the winners!
*The store period can be reduced for the participants who buy CENTUS in the amount equal to that their hold on their Multisig accounts. The total amount of CENTUS in the participant’s affiliate network will also be taken into account.
Details will be announced later.