Issue US Dollar Bill (USD) and Get More Profits

Crescimento do Lucro da Senhoriagem com base na Emissão da Nota do Dólar Americano (USD)*

Issue USD secured by your STABLECENT and get more profit

If you already have STABLECENT, you can use it to issue USD and thanks to that, receive more profit.

Como você se beneficia com a emissão de USD:

Issuing USD, you increase your profit amount. Accordingly, your profit from seigniorage increases.

Todos os fundos permanecem sob seu controle, você simplesmente não pode retirar ativos da sua conta multisig até que você pague USD.
If you create USD against STABLECENT collateral, you will receive more amount of profit during the entire period of using USD.

You receive 0.15% of the daily profit on the USD, and upon maturity, you return 2% less than what you received, which will increase your profit from holding STABLECENT by 6.5%.

If you want to fully or partially repay USD, you just need to transfer the required amount of USD to Stellar address from which they were received. Moreover, you keep 2% of the amount received and all the accumulated profit.

Once the USD is repaid, you can send all the assets from your multisig account to your regular Stellar address.​

Além disso, você pode retirar o lucro acumulado da sua carteira multisig duas vezes por semana.

Como devo fazer para emitir USD?

It takes only 1 step to issue USD secured by your STABLECENT:

Create an offer to issue USD and then send STABLECENT to your deposit multisig account.

You will receive your issued USD to your multisig Stellar address once we check the collateral is received.


Agora, vamos analisar o caso em que você emite 100 USD – o valor da garantia é igual ao valor da emissão em USD.
You have the collateral amount equal to 10,000 STABLECENT (approx.100 USD) and create 100 USD

Suppose you get seigniorage (dividend) 2 times a week in the amount of 2.5% each time, 5% in total.

1. You issue 100 USD.

2. Now you have 10,000 STABLECENT and 100 USD in total.

3. Given that you get up to 22% monthly from holding STABLECENT, your profit on the amount of 10,000 STABLECENT and 100 USD will be 2200 STABLECENT and 6,5 USD or 28,5 USD in total.

4. After a month, you have a total of 128.5 USD in your hand.

Termos de Emissão do USD:

1. Você precisa de uma conta multisig para emitir USD. Como configurar uma conta multisig, veja aqui
2. You can issue USD for an amount of 100% of available STABLECENT collateral.
3.The fee for issuing US Dollar Bill is 0% of the issue amount, on the contrary, you return 2% less than the USD amount received.
4. The maximal time limit for using USD is 1 months.

Leia mais sobre a US Dollar Bill (USD) aqui

*Todas as figuras nos exemplos são apenas para fins ilustrativos. A taxa de senhoriagem e os retornos podem mudar para cima e para baixo.

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