BONUS 由CENTUS支持,按價值等於它,並在CENTUS會員計劃的範圍內用作CENTUS等效項。


創建帳戶併購買 5,000 CENTUS (50 USD) 或更高金額後,您將獲得一筆一次性贈金(BONUS token) ,佔總金額的 2–5% :

1) 在5,000至49,999 CENTUS(50–499 USD)之間購買時,為2%。

2) 在50,000至299,999 CENTUS(500–2,999 USD)之間購買時,為3%。

3) 購買300,000 CENTUS(3,000 USD)或更多時為5%。

The purchase BONUS can be converted into BINCOME Basic Income tokens one month after the purchase. BINCOME tokens are credited in the US dollar equivalent based on the exchange rate at the time of conversion, as if you held the bonus in CENTUS tokens.
IMPORTANT: To redeem (convert) the bonus, you must retain all the purchased CENTUS for the entire period. If you sell even a part of the purchased CENTUS, you will lose the right to conversion.


You receive an affiliate bonus (in BONUS tokens) for every CENTUS purchase made by a community member you invited. The bonus amounts to 5% of the value of a CENTUS purchase made by them (min. 5,000 CENTUS). Additionally you receive 1% of the purchases made by participants invited by your partners.

This bonus is redeemed under the same conditions as the bonus for a personal purchase, as written above.

In addition, once a month you receive a share of the Primary Basic Income generated by your junior partners, which is paid out on Tuesdays and Fridays:*

1st level — 27%
2nd level — 18%
3rd level — 9%
4th level — 5%
5th level — 1%

Thereby, we encourage you to add even more partners to your affiliate network的隨機數生成器確定。

邀請新的參與者加入CENTUS項目,您將為它的發展和進步做出貢獻。 沒有人強迫您邀請新參與者。 但是,對CENTUS的目標明確是要在社會中傳播,因此在其發行方面的任何努力都會增強網絡效應,並通過授予會員獎金來鼓勵參與者,從而激勵人們採取積極的態度。

*Provided that your affiliate has purchased at least 50,000 CENTUS

邀請獎金 – 100美元

開通CENTUS帳戶後,每位參與者將收到100美元的邀請獎勵。 您可以閱讀有關邀請獎金的更多信息 此處的隨機數生成器確定。


您還可以接收BONUS令牌並以1:1匯率轉換為CENTUS,執行在我們官方 我們的 official Telegram group的隨機數生成器確定。 了解更多

加入我們的社區! ✌️

