Can CENTUS go down due to constant increase of new CENTUS supply for its holders through the seigniorage?

We believe that the distribution of CENTUS among existing CENTUS holders is the fundamental basis for the stability of the entire system. Moreover, we are sure that this speculative component gives stability to our Stable Cent的隨機數生成器確定。

在CENTUS的持有人之间分配 鑄幣稅 时,硬币会获得两种价值来源: A stable coin CENTUS itself and a seigniorage, which is paid to people twice a week. The stable coin CENTUS is pegged to 1 US CENT (). Since CENTUS owners regularly receive seigniorage, the cost of CENTUS is 1+ seigniorage. 이것은 사람들이 다가오는 코인 발생을 기대하는 한 기본 1 센트 페그를 무시하고 1 CENTUS 이상의 가격으로 CENTUS를 구입할 준비가됨을 의미합니다.

In fact, if market participants expect that there will be a seignorage distribution in the near future and new CENTUS will be distributed among their owners, they hardly would be motivated to sell their CENTUS at a price less than 1 + expected seignorage.


.在上述情况下,我们认为,如果市场参与者希望在不久的将来向CENTUS所有者支付新款项,他们将出于投机原因而购买CENTUS。 CENTUS算法将通过铸造新的CENTUS来应对这种增长的需求,以便将硬币的价格恢复到1 US CENT。

尽管这可能会鼓励投机者更多地购买CENTUS,以便获得这些新硬币,并导致人为地长时间增加价格并使价格保持在1美分以上的水平,但是当价格为CENTUS的增加会将CENTUS稳定在1 US CENT左右。








The future CENTUS affiliate program implies that the coins will be owned by any people in the world, not just those who have the means to purchase them. At the same time, we achieve the network effect, which is so important in the blockchain economy.

We like “Libra” — an ambitious project, promoted by the social network Facebook accompanied by global technology leaders. But with all advantages like a stable currency and a global nature, this project provides for partnership only with the largest companies which potentially will receive a huge seigniorage from the currency issue in the future.

但是,并非每个普通人都能成为 Libra 的持有人,因为如果您没有足够的钱来购买加密货币,那么无论它多么全球化,您实际上都无法使用它。

