CENTUS partners receive up to 60% of the revenue from their affiliate network!

BONUS afiliasi

For every purchase of CENTUS tokens made by an individual you referred, you earn an affiliate bonus in BONUS tokens equivalent to 5% of their CENTUS purchase value (minimum of 5,000 CENTUS). Furthermore, you also receive a 1% bonus from the purchases made by individuals who were invited by your partners.

The purchase BONUS can be converted into BINCOME Basic Income tokens one month after the purchase. BINCOME tokens are credited in the US dollar equivalent based on the exchange rate at the time of conversion, as if you held the bonus in CENTUS tokens.

Additionally, every month you receive a portion of the Main Basic Income in BINCOME tokens of your junior partners, which is paid out to them on Tuesdays and Fridays. You also receive a part of their Additional Basic Income, which is paid out daily in BINC tokens.*

  • tingkat 1 — 27%
  • tingkat 2 — 18%
  • tingkat 3 — 9%
  • tingkat 4 — 5%
  • tingkat 5 — 1%

Total – 60%

Dengan demikian, kami mendorong Anda untuk menambahkan lebih banyak mitra ke jaringan afiliasi Anda.
*Provided that your affiliate has purchased at least 5,000 CENTUS

As your partnerscollective Primary basic income increases, you will attain a new status within the affiliate program, accompanied by additional perks:

Mitra utama: You receive 65% of the basic income from your first-line partners and 15% of the basic income from your second-line partners.
The designated status is granted once the cumulative basic income earned within your network amounts to 1,000 US dollars.

Mitra VIP: You receive 75% of the basic income from your first-line partners and 25% of the basic income from your second-line partners.
The designated status is granted once the cumulative basic income earned within your network amounts to 2,000 US dollars.

Duta besar: You receive 90% of the basic income from your first-line partners and 40% of the basic income from your second-line partners.
The designated status is granted once the cumulative basic income earned within your network amounts to 5,000 US dollars.

Status-based additional interest in the CENTUS affiliate program is awarded in a one-time payment at the start of each month, reflecting the previous month’s performance.

By inviting new participants to the CENTUS project, you aid in its growth and progress. While there is no obligation to recruit others, recognizing that CENTUS aims for widespread societal adoption can inspire proactive contributions. The network effect is amplified with each new participant, and the incentive of affiliate bonuses further motivates people to expand our community.

Hasilkan dengan membantu orang lain!

Boost your income by assisting others with their financial challenges. The CENTUS Stable token offers a swift and efficient method to invest your funds profitably and earn a basic income.

Inviting friends is key to the CENTUS revolution. The more people hold money with CENTUS Stable Cent and receive seigniorage and basic income, the better it is for everyone.

Hasilkan saat Anda mengundang teman

Every friend you invite to CENTUS will get a 100 USD Invite BONUS on which they can receive 4 bonus income accruals.

The amount of bonus income for one accrual is 0.5% of the amount of BONUS or 0.5 US dollar and 2 US dollars in total. After receiving all your bonus income accruals, BONUS is debited from your account.

Kami juga akan menghargai Anda karena mengundang teman-teman Anda. Anda menerima 50 USD BONUS untuk mitra yang diundang oleh Anda sendiri.

You can also get 4 times a bonus income in the amount of 0.5% for each accrual.

Bonus income is accrued directly to your Polygon address in BONUS tokens that can be exchanged into Basic Income token BINCOME.
You can convert BONUS into BINCOME in your account under the PENUKARAN BONUS tab.

Bagaimana cara saya mengundang teman?

Mengundang teman itu mudah. Yang perlu mereka lakukan adalah bergabung dengan undangan unik Anda dan bergabung dengan CENTUS.

Remember, for your invites to be counted, your friends need to fill their Polygon address on Profile.

Please be informed that although every new participant is credited with Invite BONUS right after registration and starts to receive bonus income to their Polygon address right after they specify their address in their profile, they must be a Telegram user, as well as a member of our official Telegram group to convert their BONUS to CENTUS.

In rare cases, you may need to verify your identity in some other way before you can convert your BONUS to BINCOME tokens.

Detail penawaran

Anda dapat memperoleh hadiah undangan sebanyak yang Anda inginkan – cukup mengundang lebih banyak teman.

Kami berhak untuk membatasi atau melarang sepenuhnya pengguna mana pun dari akses ke program rujukan dan / atau menolak hadiah mereka jika kami mencurigai pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan atau melihat aktivitas yang kami anggap kasar (misalnya, mengundang diri sendiri, orang fiktif, atau sudah ada pengguna) atau menyebabkan kerusakan pada merek CENTUS (misalnya, sehubungan dengan konten yang eksplisit secara seksual, diskriminatif atau ilegal).

Kami juga berhak mengubah ketentuan program rujukan kapan saja. Dengan terus mengundang teman setelah ketentuan diubah, Anda mengakui penerimaan persyaratan baru.

Kami terkadang melakukan tes untuk mencoba berbagai kondisi program undangan pengguna, dan Anda bisa menjadi bagian dari mereka. Karena itu kami berhak untuk mengubah, mengubah, atau mengubah ketentuan proposal program rujukan kapan saja.

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