CENTUS Seigniorage Rate Calculation Options Based on Voting Results

One of our participants invited to consider choosing seigniorage (dividend) rate by the CENTUS (U.S. Stable Cent) participants themselves. In the proposal author’s view, this will contribute to understandinging project principles by coins holders, which, in turn, could prevent the potential decrease in the CENTUS rate as a result of the wrong seigniorage policy of the community.

In response to the invitation, interested participants were invited to vote to select the best rate. The number of CENTUS, as well as the number of Debit Coin (DBC) as a project management token on the participant’s account was taken into account during the tabulation process.
In total, 13 addresses with a total balance of 251,296.88 CENTUS took part in the vote.
The same addresses hold 4,478,721 DBC.
The addresses of the voting participants were audited upon completion of the voting. The audit showed that the number of coins they specified in the voting form corresponds to the current number of coins at the time of voting.

Based on the voting results, several options for determining the rate were put forward for discussion by the participants, one of which will subsequently be taken as a basis:
1st option — calculation is based on the number of participants’ stellar addresses: 1 ADDRESS = 1 VOICE:
Most addresses have selected a 2.5% rate.

This is the easiest option with the ownership of CENTUS and DBC coins is not taken into account. It doesn’t avoid the potential manipulation of the rate by unfair participants through creating fake addresses.
2nd option — calculation is based on coins holding: 1 CENTUS = 1 VOICE:
2% — 156,325 CENTUS
2.5% — 63,036.8 CENTUS
3% — 31,585 CENTUS
3.5% — 350 CENTUS
13 holders — 2512,96.88 CENTUS — 100% of votes
The largest number of votes are for 2% — 156,325 CENTUS = 62.21%
When counting the votes using this option, the major CENTUS holders gain control over the seigniorage rate, possibly to the detriment of the interests of minor participants.
3rd option — calculation is based on median desired rates:
2.50% — 2,5% median

This calculation is based on median (from lat. Mediāna — middle), which allows you to get a statistically reliable resulting seigniorage rate.
But, in our opinion, the 4th and 5th options listed below are most suitable for the fair determination of the seigniorage rate since they take into account the interests of both CENTUS and DBC coin holders.
4th option — calculation is based on median CENTUS balances:
11,130–2.50% median
When using this method, the CENTUS holders only affect the choice of the seigniorage rate, which is fair, on the one hand, since the seigniorage rate is native to the coin they are holding.
But this method does not take into account the opinion of Debit Coin (DBC) holders, who constitute the majority of the project participants at the moment. It is those people who joined the project at the initial stage and contributed to its formation, and in the future they will take an active part in its development.
We suggest you to carefully and impartially examine the 5th option.
5th option — determining the average value of the median CENTUS and DBC numbers:
3,902 DBC
41,243 DBC
42,697 DBC
194,867 DBC
221,970 DBC
232,003 DBC — 2.50% median
264,958 DBC
312,377 DBC
346,094 DBC
434,550 DBC
1,006,090 DBC
1,377,970 DBC
Resulting seigniorage rate:
2.5% based on median CENTUS number + 2.5% based on median DBC number= 5 / 2 = 2.5%
As much as possible, this method takes into account the votes of all project participants: DBC holders are vitally interested in the CENTUS price stability, since they only can start receiving seigniorage later (after CENTUS capitalization amounts $ 10 million), so it’s extremely important not to overstate their interest. In addition, do not forget that DBC is a project management coin.
We remind you that the seigniorage rate calculation based on median is the most reliable of all options listed above, in terms of eliminating the manipulation of the seigniorage rate, since it takes into account the interests of major, moderate and minor coin holders. The rate calculation method based on median offers equal opportunities to affect the seigniorage rate to all project participants, regardless of how many coins they have in their accounts.

You can read more about what is a median here.
All participants who took part in the voting will be credited with 200 BONUS. Those whose voting option matches the median will receive 3 times more than others — 600 BONUS each. You can convert BONUS to CENTUS at any time, just send a message with hashtag #BONUS/CENTUS to the common Telegram chat.
But do not forget that 1 BONUS can be more expensive than 1 CENTUS, if you take an active part in the work of our community.
We apologize for the apparent complexity of the calculations, but if you look closely at it, you’ll see that it’s not very difficult and, most importantly, is aimed to the benefit of all participants, and therefore CENTUS! 🙂
* Median reward may be increased